SEND and Inclusion

Early Years SEN Inclusion Fund

When to apply

Next application deadline for Inclusion Funding:

Thursday 22nd May 2025 by 4:00pm

***Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted***

Inclusion Fund - summer 2025 

  • Deadline date - Thursday 6th February 2025 by 4:00pm
  • Panel date - Thursday 6th March 2025 

Inclusion Fund - autumn 2025 

  • Deadline date - Thursday 22nd May 2025 by 4:00pm
  • Panel date - Thursday 19th June 2025

Inclusion Fund - spring 2026 (1st Panel)

  • Deadline date - TBC
  • Panel date - TBC

Inclusion Fund - spring 2026 (2nd panel)

  • Deadline date - TBC
  • Panel date - TBC

N.B. These dates are subject to change.

Applications should not be posted or hand delivered, they will only be accepted via email to Start Well at

How to apply

The provider must submit (by email only) the following documentation, fully completed and signed where necessary, to the panel by the deadline shown above:

  1. Inclusion Fund Application Form (previously known as Child Information Form)
  2. A recent (no more than 3 months old) Early Help Review(s) - Which includes the text "Inclusion Fund Panel" written in the 'information sharing box'. Early Help Assessment Action Plan (Word Document) or Early Help Assessment Review (Word Document).
  3. Most recent reports from external agencies, for example a medical report e.g., paediatrics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, hospital reports; speech and language therapy report (a pack of strategies would not meet this requirement); a Start Well, Educational Psychology, Woodbridge or Behaviour Support report. 
  4. If the child doesn't have an Early Help due to social care involvement, you will need to submit a Identification of SEN Form and a Referral form for children receiving a service from social care.
  5. If the child doesn't have an Early Help as they have an Educational Health Care Needs assessment submitted to the local authority, this should be included in place of an Early Help document. Application for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.

Each application will be considered on its own merit. The panel will not have access to documents submitted to previous panels, therefore please submit all documents you wish to be considered in order to build a complete picture of the child's needs.

Who can apply?

Settings, childminders, and school nurseries can apply for Inclusion Fund to support funded children with identified Special Educational Needs.

EYIF Packages

There are two parts to the EYIF packages, these are 'child level support' and 'provider level support'.

Child Level Support

The funding is used to provide direct adult support for a child. This could include:

  • Small group interventions.
  • One to one intervention.
  • Support for specific times of the day.
  • Enhanced room ratio.

The funding packages are referred to as Level 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Provider Level of Support

The provider level of support offers continuous professional development opportunities / training sessions for practitioners. The package of CPD will be tailored towards the child's needs. 

See the table of EYIF packages below:

Packages Level of Funding (additional to free entitlement)
Level 1 CPD
Level 2 CPD and £550 per term
Level 3 CPD and £1100 per term
Level 4 CPD and £1650 per term

All levels of Inclusion Fund receive a CPD offer (funded places on training sessions designed to support practitioners to meet the needs of the child).

Change of circumstances

In the event of a child in receipt of Inclusion Funding transferring to a different provision, or leaving their current provision, a change of circumstances form should be completed and signed by the child's parent or carer and emailed to

Information sharing via email

Start Well SEND has reduced usage of #secure# to send information to you via email.
This change has occurred following advice from Bolton ICT services assuring the security of email correspondence.

We strongly advise that you assess your own security arrangements before sending any sensitive or confidential information to Start Well SEND.

As previously noted (from the 1st August 2023), we reserve the right to reject any emails containing password protected documents or documents sent in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or any other photo format. 

We are no longer able to accept emails via Egress.

Applications cannot be posted, they are only accepted via email to Start Well at

For further information, please contact:

Start Well SEND
Telephone: 01204 338149
