SEND and Inclusion

Referrals to Single Point of Access (SPOA) for Early Years Settings

This is where you can find information to refer to:

  • Start Well SEND
  • Woodbridge SEND Service (formerly Ladywood Outreach)
  • Educational Psychology

Please note, this is not the referral process for Speech and Language Therapy (SLT). To refer to SLT visit: Speech and language Therapy.

When a successful referral is received by SPOA, the panel will agree which professionals/team are most suitable to offer advice and the package of support which will be provided to suit the needs of the child. All referrals for Single Point of Access should be sent to:


What do I need to include in my SPOA referral?

You will need to submit all of the following documents for a successful referral:

Please send referrals to the EY SEND Single Point of Access inbox at:

Please note from 1st August 2023 - we will reserve the right to reject any emails containing password protected documents or documents sent in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or any other photo format.

The panel will meet on alternate Tuesdays during term time, and settings will be informed of the outcome by email within a fortnight of panel.


Start Well SEND

Start Well SEND Outreach service is part of a provision provided by Bolton Start Well. It provides a service to support the inclusion of children with special educational needs in nursery and childminder settings in Bolton.

Examples of support Start Well SEND Outreach can offer are:

  • Observe and provide strategies to support children's individual needs
  • Support for practitioners to implement the Graduated Approach
  • Provide training for practitioners
  • Implement reasonable adjustment audits and adaptations to environments
  • Signposting to specialist provisions for further advice and ideas
  • Provide written reports
  • Modelling interventions


Woodbridge SEND Service (Formerly Ladywood Outreach Service)

Woodbridge SEND Service (Formerly Ladywood Outreach Service) is part of a provision provided by Ladywood School part of Woodbridge Academy Trust. It provides a service to support the inclusion of children with social and communication difficulties and other learning needs in nursery and childminder settings in Bolton.

The Outreach Team comprises of qualified teachers and teaching assistants with significant experience of meeting special educational needs. 

Examples of support they can offer are:

  • Modelling interventions
  • Providing advice and strategies
  • Provide written reports
  • Carry out observation and assessments


The Educational Psychology Service

This service offers support to early years settings which involves working with children who have/may have additional needs. It provides a service to support the inclusion of children with special educational needs in nursery and childminder settings in Bolton. This service also work with parents/carers, staff and other agencies to achieve the best outcomes for the child.

Examples for support The Educational Psychology Service can offer are:

  • Consultations, observations and/or assessments
  • Modelling Interventions
  • Providing written reports 
  • Psychological advice to contribute to Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.



Early Years Single Point of Access (SPOA) Form for Early Years Settings

Early Years Single Point of Access (SPOA) Application Checklist

EY SEND SPOA Panel Outcome Process

Identification of SEN Form

Referral form for children receiving a service from social care