Funding for the Early Years and Childcare Entitlement

Payment administration

The Local Authority will pay all providers:

  • Monthly for the funded entitlement for two and for three and four year olds
  • Once termly for EYPP and Disability Access Funding.

Payments will be made using the latest headcount of eligible children supplied by providers through the Early Years Headcount Portal or childminder claim forms.

Early Years Providers

Following the receipt of the signed funding agreement, providers must complete their initial headcount termly online by the deadline. Providers will receive an email alert prior to the commencement of term regarding actual deadline dates..

After their initial headcount return, providers must inform the Local Authority of any changes to the funding (children leaving/starting the setting, changing their hours etc.) by using an amendments task. This is done via the provider portal.

It is the duty of the Local Authority to ensure that details of the funding rates paid to providers are submitted to the Department for Education.

Process for Payment

The table below outlines the funding streams; funding amount; frequency of payments and contact information for further support with any aspect of funding. 

Funding Stream

Frequency of Payments

Contact within finance

15 hour entitlement for eligible two year olds

Monthly payment - 4th Thursday  and 01204 337169

15 hour entitlement for three and four year olds (the universal entitlement)

Monthly Payment - 3rd Thursday

15 hour entitlement for three and four year olds (the universal entitlement)

Free Deprivation supplement

Monthly Payment - 3rd Thursday

30 hours funded entitlement for working parents of three and four year olds (extended entitlement)

Monthly Payment - 3rd Thursday

30 hours funded entitlement for working parents of three and four year olds (extended entitlement)

Free Deprivation supplement

Monthly Payment - 3rd Thursday

Early Years Pupil Premium

Single - Mid Term  and 01204 337169

Early Years Inclusion Fund

Single - Mid Term  and 01204 337169

Disability Living Allowance

Single -ad hoc  and 01204 337169