Start Well Early Years Foundation Stage Offer for Early Education and Childcare Settings
Start Well Meetings and Briefings for Early Education and Childcare Settings
EYFS Leadership Briefings
What happens at this briefing?
This briefing, coordinated by the Start Well Quality and Outcomes Team, will update Early Years Leaders and Managers on national and local developments in the EYFS, to support their professional development and leadership of the EYFS. Relevant partners will be invited to share any relevant information.
How often?
The briefings are each term (3 per year) and last for an hour.
Communication Champion Briefings
What happens at this briefing?
This briefing is delivered by the Start Well Communication and Language Development Team. It will provide an update for Communication Champions on national and local news about communication and language development. They provide an opportunity for networking and sharing of good practice.
How often?
The briefings are each term (3 per year) and last for an hour.
Early Years SENCO Briefings
What happens at this briefing?
This briefing will update experienced and new EY SENCos on national and local developments in Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, to support their professional development and co-ordination of SEND in their settings. It is delivered by the Start Well Early Years SEND Team.
How often?
The briefings are each term (3 per year) and last for an hour.