Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements

Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP)

Visit the Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership website

SafeguardingFramework for action threshold document
The Bolton Framework for Action outlines how local practitioners work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in our area. It sets out the thresholds that all partners will apply when working with children and their parents.




Safeguarding course guide front cover

Follow this link for all of your safeguarding training needs: Multi-agency safeguarding training – Bolton Safeguarding Children





Learning and Development

Visit Working with children – Learning and development ( to complete 'Keeping Children Safe - Basic', 'Adult Safeguarding', 'Early Help' etc. Follow the link and select the 'Open Access Learning Platform' link, this will take you to a new e-learning platform, where you can create a free account or log in direct to the courses.

If you have any difficulties with the new platform, email 


Safeguarding (policy into practice)

Bolton Safeguarding Guidance: Childminders
Guidance for reviewing and writing a safeguarding policy and procedure for Childminders.

Bolton Safeguarding Guidance: Daycare and Out of School Settings
Guidance for reviewing and writing a safeguarding policy and procedure for Daycare and Out of School Settings.