Transition and Observation, Assessment and Planning

Transition to school

Planning for transition to school 

Transitions can be a difficult time for children, moving up into a different room in nursery or moving to school needs to be carefully planned for and managed to support the child’s individual needs.

From mid-April, the parents of pre-school children will have learned which primary school has been allocated to their child for the following September.

This means that you can, and should, then start to put together a plan to make that transition to school as smooth as possible.

We have put together a range of things to help you. 

  • Consider the Transition Policy and Procedure Timeline and plan for the things that need to be done.
  • Talk with parents about their new schools and plan ways in which transition will be supported. A template of the timeline for parents can be found here.
  • Complete the Transition to School Form and share this with the receiving school. 
  • Access any training and support offered around transitioning to school.

If the child is receiving Early Years Inclusion Fund or is on the caseload from Ladywood Outreach, then you will be contacted early in the summer term by either the Start Well SEND Team or Ladywood to offer you support and more ideas around the process. To access information to help with the transition to school for a child with SEND, please see the Transition section of our SEND and Inclusion pages.

Children who are looked after (LAC) will be supported through the Personal Education Plan (PEP) process, see Virtual School - Bolton Council.

Please contact the Start Well Team at anytime if you need anything at all to help you ensure that our children enjoy the beginning of their time in primary school and that they and their parents feel well supported.


Case Studies of Practice

Coming soon!


Contact us

Start Well Service 

Tel: 01204 338149



Enhanced Transition Planning Document

Transition Policy and Procedure Timeline (What Schools, Settings and Parents need to do)

Transition Timeline for parents of children starting Reception Class in 2025

Transition to School Form