Bolton Early Years Integrated Communication and Language Pathway
Every Child Thriving

Every Child provision ensures all children benefit from a language rich environment as part of early development. This involves joint work with the Local Authority, Voluntary, Private and Independent (PVI) sector, schools and health partners. Together they actively promote high quality adult interaction and language rich environments in the home, community, and childcare settings to enable children to make good progress in their speech, language and communication skills.
‘Every Child Explained’
Every Child Resources
- 5 Golden Rules Poster
- 5 Golden Rules Videos
- Bolton Communication Champions
- Early Years Communication and Language Journey (E-learning)
- Monthly Top Tips to promote communication and language development
- Bolton Start Well at Home (Facebook)
- Bolton Start Well Centres
- Greater Manchester (GM) 10 Tips for Talking
- Tiny Happy People
- Better Health Start for Life: Home Learning Environment Campaign (Chat, Play, Read)
- Solihull Approach and Solihull Parenting Online First time users - use access code RIVINGTON
- Accessing Early Education and Childcare Provision and Government Information for Childcare Providers
- Bolton Toy Library
- Bolton Library Services
Communication and Language Development Courses
Role of the Communication Champion
Communication is everybody's responsibility!
The Communication Champion is passionate about the importance of children's communication and language development and recognises how it is a fundamental lifelong skill for learning.
To find out more about this role, access all the resources and information about training and further support, visit Learning and Development: Role of the Communication Champion and Resources.
The role of the Public Health Nurse within the Pathway
A member of the Public Health Nursing Team at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust outlines the role of the Public Health Nursing workforce within the Bolton Early Years Integrated Communication and Language Pathway.
The role of the Speech & Language Therapist within the Pathway
A Speech and Language Therapist provides an overview of her role within the 'Every Child' and 'Extra Help' sections of the Bolton Integrated Early Years Communication and Language Pathway.