Early Years Providers Business Planning and Support

Marketing and Resources

My Life in BoltonMy Life in Bolton Logo

My Life in Bolton is a FREE marketing tool used by Bolton parents looking for childcare.

Are your setting details up to date and correct?

Look for your setting here.  If your setting details aren’t showing on the childcare directory, you can update your permissions in the self-update section of the portal. Alternatively, email the data management team at: ec.imu@bolton.gov.uk


Provider Portal - Self Update

If your details are not correct on the My Life in Bolton website, you can use the Provider Portal - Self Update to add or amend your records.Marketing and Resources

The portal allows you to correct or update the information that Bolton Council publishes about your early education and childcare services.  In particular, you can update:

  • your capacity and vacancies,
  • a description of your services,
  • the list of schools you can pick up from,
  • any specialist services you can offer, as a result of the training you have invested in.

For technical support on the Provider Portal, please call Information Management on 01204 338621


Marketing MaterialsMarketing and resources

Bolton Start Well and Bolton Families Information Service have a wealth of FREE resources to help you advertise your setting, including:

  • 2 year old funding banners, for outside walls and railings,
  • Childcare Choices postcards and leaflets.

If you have any questions or requests regarding these resources, contact:
Email StartWell@bolton.gov.uk 
or Families@bolton.gov.uk


PACEY and Early Years Alliance

Pacey logo - small

Early years alliance logo small

Why is marketing your early years setting important?

Marketing is a key element of any business plan and directly contributes towards improving your long-term sustainability.

When you're looking for more families to use your childcare service, whether you're a childminder or if you work in a nursery, it's important to ensure that you have a range of marketing materials.

PACEY & Early Years Alliance have some top tips and ideas to support you.  Check out the links below:


Famly resources

Marketing and resources page

Get tips and tricks for how you can take your setting’s promotional efforts to the next level to get your message out there and boost occupancy!
To find out more, visit: 


Childcare Choices: Campaign promoting financial support with the cost of childcare

Childcare Choices Logo

The Department for Education has developed a provider toolkit which contains a step-by-step guide on how to register and promote government funded childcare support to families using your service.

You can also use the parent toolkit to raise awareness of the campaign and direct your parents and carers to the Childcare Choices website which has all the information they need about the funding that eligible families could get to help pay for their early years and school aged childcare needs.

The Childcare Choices campaign aims to raise awareness and understanding of the support available from the government with the costs of childcare. You can help ensure your parents and carers aren’t missing out by directing them to the Childcare Choices website, where they can easily find the right offers of childcare support for them.

You could also unlock support for more parents and carers, and boost your business at the same time, by registering with your childcare regulator.

Local resources

National resources


Marketing support

Foundation Years and the Early Years Alliance offer marketing support for early years and childcare providers.  To find out more, visit: