Early Years Providers Business Planning and Support


How can this page help you?

These pages are designed to bring together all the information that is available to support you with business planning.

Here you will find a combination of resources including FREE online workshops, links to business planning tools, resources to help you review cash flow, marketing posters and many other useful tools and information.

Following the pandemic, we have included a section on COVID-19 Government Guidance.


Training and E-learning

In this section:

  • Introduction for New Start-ups E-learning Course
  • Early Years Business Support Planning E-learning Course
  • MBK E-learning 30 Hours Business Planning Course

Business Planning Tools

In this section:

  • Hempsall's


Business Planning Tools

In this section:

  • Early Years Business Zone
  • Early Years Alliance
  • GM Business Growth Hub
  • EnterprisingYou
  • Business Sustainability

Advice and Support

In this section:

  • Bolton Business Support
  • EnterprisingYou
  • The Business Growth Hub
  • Recruitment and retention

Sufficiency Data

In this section:

  • Bolton Council annual childcare sufficiency assessments

Marketing and Resources

In this section:

  • My Life in Bolton
  • Self Update Portal
  • Marketing material
  • Downloadable resources
  • Childcare Choices resources

Useful Information

Bolton Council provides a range of services to support the Early Years and Childcare sector, including:

Bolton Start Well

Information, advice, professional development and support for those working in the Early Years Foundation Stage in Bolton. 


Telephone:01204 338149

Families Information Service

Information on early education and services for children, young people and families in Bolton.

Email: families@bolton.gov.uk

Telephone: 01204 332170

Business Bolton

Bolton's One Stop Shop for supporting individuals and businesses to acheive economic prosperity in Bolton.

Email: businessbolton@bolton.gov.uk

Telephone: 01204 336222

Learning and Development Team (Children's)

Comprehensive, high quality training courses to suit the mandatory and essential training requirements of the children’s workforce.

Email: wpd@bolton.gov.uk

Telephone: 01204 333333

Bolton Council Schools Finance Team

The Finance team supports early years providers with early years funding payments, processes and enquiries through:

  • Financial aministration of the 15 hour entitlement for eligible two year olds, three and four year olds (the “Universal Entitlement”) and the 30 hours entitlement for working parents of three and four year olds (the “Extended Entitlement”).
  • Financial administration of the Early Years Pupil Premium, Early Years Inclusion Fund and Disability Access Funding payments.
  • Operational support of the Early Years headcount portal, including initial headcount and amendment task processes.
  • Pupil data enquiries.
  • Guidance with regards to parental funding enquiries.
  • Application of the Local Authority budgetary requirements and statutory monitoring of the total Early Years Block funding.
  • Finance element of early education and childcare statutory guidance for local authorities, including determination of funding rates.
  • Servicing of Schools Forum, including the Early Years Sub Group.

Email: earlyyearsfinance@bolton.gov.uk

Telephone: 01204 337169


Other useful information

The Department for Education has developed a range of funding streams which enable children to access high quality childcare provisions. Details of these funded entitlements are also listed in the Funding section of the Bolton Start Well website.

Please click here for direct access.