Course Detail

Daycare: What to expect from your inspection | E-learning


  • Stock: 84
  • SKU: Daycare: What to expect from your inspection | E-learning
  • Category: courses


This hour long webinar is available to watch in your own time on the Bolton Start Well E-learning platform.

Daycare providers who are expecting an inspection, hear from Rachael Flesher HMI, Early Years Senior Officer and Patricia Graham, Early Years Regulatory Inspector, as they talk about about how inspectors conduct inspections and what you can expect from your inspection.

How will this webinar help?

Rachael and Patricia will explain how Ofsted inspectors:

  • Prepare for inspection
  • Conduct the notification call (if inspection is announced)
  • Manage the initial meeting on arrival
  • Use the inspection activities to gather evidence
  • Manage meetings / discussion with leaders and staff
  • Ensure effective communication throughout the inspection.

Delivered by: Rachael Flesher HMI, Early Years Senior Officer and Patricia Graham, Early Years Regulatory Inspector, Ofsted

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for all Daycare setting Leaders and Managers.

Booking Arrangements

Please complete the booking online section above. 

If you are booking on behalf of other members of staff, you must provide individual names and email addresses for each person in the 'Additional Information' section of the booking form to complete registration.  Generic email addresses such as manager@, office@ or email addresses in the name of the nursery not the individual will not be accepted.

When registration is complete, a welcome email will be issued and you can then access the E-learning platform here.

If you already have access to the E-learning platform, please email to have this course added to your training record.

E-mail if you need assistance when booking online or accessing this E-learning course.

Course Delivery

Once enrolled, you can complete this E-learning course anytime, at your own pace. 

Please note: to get the most out of this training, delegates will need to allocate at least 1 hour to complete the course.  You will be able to stop, start and revisit the modules as and when needed. 

On completion of this course, a certificate will be issued automatically.

E-mail: if you need assistance with this course or have any issues whilst accessing the E-learning platform.