
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

To support you to reflect on your CPD investment and ensure you gain maximum impact from the training we provide, you may wish to use our CPD toolkit resource which is available here.

Find Your Course

Out of School Club Network Meeting | 12th September 2024 | 10:00am - 11:30pm | Harvey Start Well Centre


An opportunity for registered Out of School Providers in Bolton to meet and discuss the implementation of the programme to expand wraparound childcare and any government policy updates. A face to face session.

What to expect from your Ofsted Inspection Part 1 and 2 - OOSC's


These sessions will provide you with a window into what inspection looks like and what you can do to ensure you can confidently contribute to your inspection.

Expansion of Wraparound Childcare: Live Online Briefing for Providers of Wraparound Childcare in Bolton | 26th September 2024 | 10:00am - 11:00am


This session is an opportunity for leaders and managers in Bolton to hear the most up to date national information about the expansion of wraparound places for working parents, including feedback about sufficiency of places in Bolton and information on capital and programme funding. More information about the session will be available shortly.

Expansion of Wraparound Childcare: Live Online Briefing for Providers of Wraparound Childcare in Bolton | 26th September 2024 | 6:30pm - 7:30pm


This session is an opportunity for leaders and managers in Bolton to hear the most up to date national information about the expansion of wraparound places for working parents, including feedback about sufficiency of places in Bolton and information on capital and programme funding. More information about the session will be available shortly.

Safeguarding Policy into Practice | 10th July 2025 | 9:30am - 12:00noon


This training will provide the opportunity to look at the Bolton Safeguarding Guidance document. We will focus on how policy is put into practice in your EYFS setting and reflect on safeguarding in general, through discussion and activities.

Out of School Clubs: What to expect from your inspection | E-learning


This hour long webinar is available to watch in your own time on the Bolton Start Well E-learning platform. Hear from Rachel Flesher HMI, Early Years Senior Officer for Ofsted and Katie Sparrow, Early Years Regulatory Inspector, about how inspectors conduct inspections. Gain an understanding of how to prepare for your inspection and what to expect! For Leaders and Mangers in Out of School Clubs.