Course Detail

Safeguarding Policy into Practice | 10th July 2025 | 6:30pm - 9:00pm


  • Stock: 25
  • SKU: Safeguarding 10-07-2025 6:30pm - 9:00pm
  • Category: courses


During this training we will look at and discuss the Bolton Safeguarding Guidance, a document written to help you review and write your own safeguarding policy. 

We will discuss and reflect on the recent changes to the guidance, changes to the current multi-agency training, the Revised Framework for Action: Threshold Document and the new Managing Professional Allegations - First Steps Flowchart and how the recent updates can be put into practice in your setting. 

This session will also provide the opportunity to come together as a group to discuss safeguarding in general. 

It is open to all Designated Safeguarding Leads and early years practitioners (PVIs, OOSSs and Childminders) in Bolton. 

Please prepare for this session by reviewing the Safeguarding Guidance:

Bolton Safeguarding Guidance Document (Full Daycare and OOSS)

Bolton Safeguarding Guidance Document (Childminders)

What will I learn?

At the end of this session, you will:

  • Have up to date knowledge
  • Be able to write or update your safeguarding policy
  • Understand how recent changes to guidance apply to you and your setting
  • Gain a basic understanding around e-safety (with signposting to more in depth courses).

Available dates for Daycare and Out of School Settings

Available dates for Childminders

***You only need to attend one session***


Delivered by: Bolton Start Well Service, Quality and Outcomes Team


Who is this workshop for?

This session is aimed at all practitioners (Childminders and PVIs) in Bolton working with early years children and have a responsibility for safeguarding. 

Booking Arrangements

Please complete the booking online section above.  E-mail: if you need assistance when booking online.

Commitments and Cancellations

In order to maintain best value, we need to run this course on a maximum occupancy basis. If your place is confirmed but you are unable to attend, please send an alternative representative or cancel your place in writing by e-mailing: with a minimum of 24 hours' notice.

An administration fee of £25 per person will be charged for the non-attendance of any individual following an online or confirmed telephone booking. These fees will be waived if you send a replacement attendee from your setting to take up your place.

Bolton Start Well operates on a not-for-profit basis. Our focus is to achieve positive meaningful outcomes. Any surplus income is reinvested to maintain and improve the quality of our services and customer care.


If for any reason we have to cancel or postpone training, we will notify all delegates booked onto the workshop as quickly as possible.