Course Detail

Introduction to the Role of a Childminder | Online


  • Stock: 97
  • SKU: Introduction to the Role of a Childminder | Online
  • Category: courses

Becoming a Childminder

If you are considering providing care and learning opportunities for children whom you are not related to, in your own home, for more than 2 hours per day, for reward, then you must register with Ofsted as a Childminder.

You can find out more about becoming a childminder here: Become a childminder or nanny (England): Register as a childminder - GOV.UK (

Course Description

This free introductory online course will provide you with information and support to increase your knowledge and understanding about the role of a professional Childminder, the registration process and running a successful childminding service.

What will I learn?

During the course, we will explore:

  • The role of a professional Childminder and what is involved in running a childminding service;
  • Guidance around Ofsted and an overview of the registration requirements for new Childminders;
  • The skills, knowledge and competencies needed to fulfil the role, including mandatory training;
  • An overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage and where to find out more information; and
  • The business of running a childminding service including business planning, fees and marketing.


Delivered by: Bolton Start Well Service and Workforce Planning and Development Team


Who is this workshop for?

This online course is aimed at prospective Childminders.

Booking Arrangements

This is an e-learning course. To access the course, you must register on Moodle. Please e-mail: if you need assistance when registering online.

N.B. All Moodle courses will move over to the Bolton Council 'Open Access Learning Platform' at the end of June 2024. Please complete the 'Introduction to the Role of the Childminder' course before this time. From July, the 'Introduction to the Role of the Childminder' course will be available via the new platform along with the courses below (the courses below are available on the new platform now).

To complete Keeping Children Safe - Basic, Adult Safeguarding, Early Help etc go to Bolton Council's E-learning webpage and select the 'Open Access Learning Platform' link, this will take to our new platform where you can create a free account or log in direct to the courses.

If you have any difficulties email


If for any reason we have to withdraw this training course, we will notify every course registration as quickly as possible.