Support for Early Years Providers

Service Overview

Bolton Start Well is a division of Bolton Council's Children's Services. The service aims to improve life chances by working with children in the Early Years and their Families. Working with parents, families, and professionals to provide early years children with a good start in life and to reduce the development gap between the most vulnerable and others. The service delivers family support for children up to 5 years and evidence-based intervention for younger children through the Start Well Locality team working through the Borough’s Start Well Family Hubs. 

The Quality and Outcomes Service co-ordinates funded early education programmes, integrated early years pathways and provides development support for the early years education sector through constructive challenge, networking/sharing good practice and a traded training programme. It leads on Early Years Communication and language support, Early Years SEND support and Inclusive education, working with early years educators and coordinating the statutory Early Years Inclusion Fund. 

Support for Early Years Providers

The Bolton Start Well Quality and Outcomes, SEND and the Early Years Communication and Language Development (EYCLDS) services have developed a support offer for early years and childcare providers in Bolton.

These services support Bolton group, school-based early years providers and childminders to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. 

Service Offer

We offer Bolton early years providers, personalised visits, briefings, network sessions, workshop and training events, e-learning and curriculum resources. Visit our course booking page to see the current offer.

If you can't see the training or resources you're looking for, or you need personalised support, contact the office or your linked consultant via the contact details at the bottom of this page. 

In addition to training, visits, and support, the service provides a fortnightly newsletter (Early Years Update) and access to social media groups and pages.

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Contact Bolton Start Well

Bolton Start Well Service
Telephone: 01204 338149 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Meet the Team